Saturday, May 18, 2013

Wednesday, 8:14am: Guilford & Read St.

Baltimore, you should know that though I love you, I am a Steelers fan.  I know, I know . . . " can you be a Steelers fan?  You live in Baltimore!" et cetera, et cetera.  It's a story that I have told a hundred times to a thousand people and will tell again if you ask nicely.  That all said, say what you will about the Steelers (even though they are champions and a class organization), you would never find one of their jerseys in a newly planted Redbud tree on Guilford Avenue on the walk to work, no sir.  That would be nonsense. Put that hate energy where it truly belongs Baltimore, in the D.C. suburbs.  And while you're at it, take that Redskins jersey and throw it up in that tree wherever.  

Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday, 7:34am: Somewhere Near My Buddy, Rob's, House, Mt. Vernon

My co-worker, and dare I say, friend, sent this my way on our commute to the museum today.  His reaction via text was something like, "Wow, I have the Baltimore City Paper!  To hell with the Internet!" I then imagined this person of his excitedly marching home, ripping his computer away from the desk, walking back to this City Paper box, and slamming that thing on top all in one grand gesture.  "No more Internet for me world! I have the truth in print!" Alas, the very idea of this is nonsense (as she types her blog post on her ipad). The reality? The reality is some MICA kid got a brand new Mac for their Green Design class and just couldn't bare to have this monstrosity sitting by the door of their studio apartment any longer. I mean, recycling pick up is like totally four days away. Good job student citizen.  Just put your unwanted computer parts wherever. I'm sure another MICA type will use 'em for their ironic trash-based art and we will all hate it, ironically. 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Friday, Dusk: Somewhere Near the Red Star, Fell's Point

Oh, Baltimore, it's been a while since you've provided me a piece of well placed nonsense to blog about but I knew it was only a matter of time. You just can't resist gently whispering into the ears of your citizens, "Hey, just put that wherever. Yeah, right there on the corner of that street where the wheelchairs cross." The gem below was offered up by our newest friend, Melissa, and is more than worthy. Now, what we're working with here is a real chicken and egg situation. Was the doll left, unloved, next to the shit bag? Or was the owner of the shit bag like, "F walking over to that trash can, I'm putting this shit by this doll." OR were they placed there together, at the same time?! We will never know, Baltimore. And once again, through the help of your magical population, you weave us mysteries that shall never be solved and we will continue to love you for it.